


Public Security 3G solution brief wireless monitoring

Public Security 3G solution brief
The program is far from Shenzhen Teng Insight Electronics Co. launched . Program introduces 3G wireless monitoring system through the completion of the public security remote wireless monitoring function. Wireless monitoring system enables real-time monitoring and multi-angle monitor the process of recording audio and video data . Command Center learned in real-time front-end real-time situation , in the event of unforeseen circumstances, you can take effective measures for the first time . And video data can provide strong evidence for the trace and division of responsibilities after disputes and criminal cases.
Suitable for: all over the city public security, electricity, finance , transportation, water , oil, coal equidistant far , blocking and more convenient cabling plant .

Functional Overview

The main function of the interface
      Equipment management : system software for all audio and video processing equipment for unified registration and management, focused on all the device information stored in the information management center . The system administrator can edit , modification of the hardware configuration information, done unified management devices.
User management : system software for all users of the system , unified registration departments manage all user information stored centrally in the information management center. Registered users include distribution and set up departments , user groups, user name / password .
Management authority : administrative privileges can be divided into management and user access priority control device permissions management. Management device access to the functional division of devices to access the range of users. Priority control user permissions management refers to different users accessing the same device can develop different priority control.
      Log Management : The system software provides powerful logging ( including system logs, user logs, alarm logs ) storage and retrieval capabilities. Server to distinguish log type, time , and other categories of information triggered automatically generated logs, complete records system events, alarm messages , system operator after the landing operation . All collected end user software generated log information management database automatically sent to the center to save .
Clear tree structure display systems management structure.
Site management. All service stations within the system and the secondary gateway authentication and management , streaming mode setting site, multicast support the stream type ;
      Online user management. Real-time monitoring of online users , temporarily kicked out of a particular user based on the need to ensure system security. ;
Logical grouping of management. Available for all front-end devices within the system : a fixed -point monitoring , mobile patrols , management and other user-defined method grouped logically grouped after independence between the groups for easy management of permissions and daily affairs .
Resources to enable. Video server for all resources available within the system ( 232 , 485 , alarm input and output, audio input and output interfaces, etc. ) to activate or deactivate .

Harsh conditions in the geographical environment , personnel patrolling the difficulties of the lot, has begun to use a new type of public security patrol . This design is a cruiser equipped with GPS global positioning systems, video surveillance systems, able to drive around the target within 500 meters of the implementation of comprehensive observation. On patrol car roof mounted video surveillance cameras used currently installed bolt better controllability , the image will be captured with the patrol car traveling behind the real-time transmission to the command center . This system also uses radio transmission , the use of internal public security built Communication Network . Modern technologies to ensure the internal public security Communication Network has enough bandwidth , but also provides a dedicated satellite to support a large number of video data transmission .
This moving video image transmission , wherever observed , the real-time via a wireless transmission system to transfer images back to the command center, the command center of command and decision making personnel such as the ground, to improve the accuracy and timeliness of decision-making and improve work efficiency. Especially for emergency , emergency command operations to achieve the interconnection , the system shows strong vitality.
To learn more , visit the official website Tengyuan Insight :

